Emergency Solutions Grant Services
Through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Pathways is able to provide financial support to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or 'at risk' of experiencing homelessness. This is through Rapid Re Housing and Homeless Prevention funding that Pathways receives for this purpose. All referrals for these programs must be part of the South Dakota Coordinated Entry System. In order to complete an assessment to be added to the Coordinated Entry System, call 1-800-664-1349
Guidelines for ESG Services
Through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Pathways is able to provide financial support to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or "at risk" of experiencing homelessness.
All ESG enrollments must be part of the Coordinated Entry System. If you are experiencing homelessness or facing eviction you should call Coordinated Entry at 1-800-664-1349, or one of the local options on the flyer. All ESG services are provided in accordance with all non-discrimination and Fair Housing laws.
Eligibility Guidelines​
The total household income must be below 30% Area Median Income (AMI) for initial acceptance into the program.
Individual or family must be at 'imminent risk of losing housing' to be eligible.
Single member households without a verifiable source of income will not be accepted.
At each 3 month re-certification, all clients must be at or below 30% AMI to remain eligible.
the unit must be below the fair-market rent rate for the area where the unit is located
For Rapid Re Housing: households must be considered 'literally homeless' by federal definitions, meaning they are sleeping in emergency shelter, hotel or motel paid for by service agency or emergency voucher, or a place not meant for habitation (outside, in vehicle, etc.)
The department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) does not consider 'doubled up' or 'couch surfing' as 'literal homelessness'
For Homeless Prevention: Households must provide an eviction notice or utility shut off notice as verification that they are considered 'at risk' of homelessness
What ESG Covers
Financial assistance can be provided for the following under both Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing components, as long as the client is NOT receiving assistance from other public sources: ​
Moving costs
Security deposit
Last month's rent
Utility deposit
Utility payments
Rent, application fees
Rental arrears
Utility arrears